Bagasse is the fibrous material produced after the sugarcane is crushed and is the typical fuel used by the sugar industry to produce energy and steam. Stillage is the final byproduct of ethanol production and for every 1 liter of ethanol, 10 to 13 liters of stillage are produced.
In general, the conversion of Biomass into Biofuels is very simple, first the biomass moisture must be reduced, squeezing by a mechanical process to considerably lower the product moisture (only if necessary) up to 40-45%, and then move on to a next step. Thermal heating phase using infrared lamps that allows a second release of moisture into the environment from inside the product at the same time that it sterilizes it due to the high temperatures generated.
At the end of this process, the particle is reduced and again a moisture release is generated by the mechanical forces generated, at this point the product has 12-5% humidity and the temperature of the product is again increased above the 100 C (212 F), producing a second sterilization.
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This type of product solves an important environmental problem and is used to generate electricity, by using boilers that generate steam from a mixture of stillage fuel and bagasse, which is sent to a steam turbine to generate electricity.
The use of stillage as fuel is currently the main bottleneck of ethanol production and this process represents a solution that will allow it to increase ethanol production without affecting the environment.