CME's Millennium Series MILL-R-150 Pellet mill is a powerful full-sized production scale unit with one of the highest horsepower to surface areas ratio of any mill in its class, and can produce 2,000 - 12,000 lbs. of pellets per hour, depending on raw material. Unit is rated for animal feed, fertilizer, and severe duty applications like making wood pellets. Common Applications Include:
Wood Pellets - 1 to 2 tons/hr
Hardwood grilling pellets - 1.5 tons/hr
Wood pellet animal bedding - 1.5 to 2 tons/hr
Biochar pellets - 1 ton/hr
Alfalfa pellets - 3 to 4 tons/hr
Poultry litter pellets - 3 to 4 tons/hr
Cattle cubes - 3 to 6 tons/hr
Manure fertilizer pellets - 3 to 4 tons/hr
General feed pellets - 5 to 8 tons/hr
Gypsum pellets - 3 to 5 tons/hr
Plastic pellets - 500 to 1500 lbs/hr
Coal pellets - 1 to 2 tons/hr
Paper pellet - 1000 to 2500 lbs/hr
Sorbant pellets - 1 to 2 tons/hr
Hay pellets - 1 to 2 tons/hr
Straw pellets - 1 to 2 tons/hr
Grass pellets - 1 to 2 tons/hr